The Gravel Roads of Lund Township

What You Need to Know About Our Roads, the Latest Township Meeting, and More!


Gravel, Gravel and More Gravel!

On July 8th, myself and some other people who are more knowledgeable about gravel did a second road tour--our first road tour having been completed on May 30th. This tour was done specifically to determine what the gravel needs are for our township roads.  From that tour, we will create both a short and long term plan to resolve those needs.  I have to say, this was quite an educational experience, and a very interesting one as well!

While I won’t get into the specifics of what we discovered as far as priorities go, I will say that you’ll have to come to our next Township Meeting to find out!

Your Official Sneak Peek

The next Township Meeting will take place on July 21st at 7:00 p.m. to find that out. At this meeting, we will be discussing our findings from the road tour as well as making a decision on which roads and/or sections of roads require immediate attention. We encourage the input of the residents at this meeting and hope to see you there!

For residents who are unable to physically attend this meeting, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with as much information as possible for your reference.

Lund Township