Facebook and an Official Website: The New Frontier!

How Lund Township’s Fresh Online Presence Will Focus on You

Welcome to Lund Township’s official website! With this new site, we’ve also made a Facebook page that I ask township residents to check out, and give us some feedback on.  I also encourage you to share these new sites with your friends and other township residents so that they, too, can look these over.

In addition to promoting these exciting new tools, I want to speak a little bit about why we created these two pieces of media.  Certainly, we want transparency in what we are doing on the township board, however, we also see that there are other important reasons behind increasing our online presence.


Opening the Lines of Communication

While the Board of Supervisors provides oversight of the business of the township, it is the residents who provide oversight of the board.  Sure, the board is responsible for making the final business decisions, but the input and participation of the residents in this process is invaluable. This, of course, doesn’t mean that the residents will always agree with the direction we take as a board in the end. In fact, human nature tells us that just isn’t possible.

But what the input of the residents does provide is a great deal of experience in what has or hasn’t worked in the past. They also have a better base of understanding of this, which helps us to make the best decisions possible when it comes to the present and future needs of the township. 

In order for people to really have a voice in their local government, they need to participate, and that’s what these tools are ultimately about.

Where to Find What

The new website and Facebook page are intended to keep people updated about meetings, minutes from those meetings, the activity of the board members, new policies, and it won’t stop there.

What we’re hoping is that these tools will provide encouragement for residents to truly participate.  Please feel free to comment on the sites, but our biggest hope is that you will also attend meetings.  With this added level of communication and hopefully participation, we also encourage residents to write to us directly through the contact information we have provided.  We really do want to hear from you.

Be sure to check back for our next blog post which will focus on the road tour we took a couple of weeks ago where we studied the gravel needs for the township roads.  We have an awesome township here with great residents, so let’s work together to make it even better!

Lund Township